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  • Wetlands, functional wetland types, wetland groupings and corresponding SA veg types for the priority area of the Witzenberg Municipality.

  • First version of an integrated coast map including coastal ecosystem types from the terrestrial, marine, and estuarine realms

  • An extraction of the zone terrestrial land mass of South Africa until the ecologically determined dune base line from the first version of an integrated coast map including coastal ecosystem types from the terrestrial, marine, and estuarine realms

  • An extraction of the zone from the dune base line to the edge of South Africa’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) from the first version of an integrated coast map including coastal ecosystem types from the terrestrial, marine, and estuarine realms

  • Latest update of the Sub-Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystem map which is synonymous with the map of the vegetation of Marion and the Prince Edward Islands in the National Vegetation Map Project. This is the first update since 2006 and includes an edit to shift the 2006 National Vegetation Map polygon for Prince Edward island (which was offset from the imagery of the island in the 2006 version) to its correct position which now aligns with global imagery.

  • The NBA2018 cumulative marine pressure dataset combines 31 marine pressure datasets (e.g. the location of 20 fishery activities, petroleum activities etc). Pressure data is a key input into assessing ecosystem condition.

  • Latest update of the Sub-Antarctic Terrestrial Threat Assessment and Protection level.

  • First version of an integrated coast map including coastal ecosystem types from the terrestrial, marine, and estuarine realms

  • The NBA2018 cumulative marine pressure dataset combines 31 marine pressure datasets (e.g. the location of 20 fishery activities, petroleum activities etc). Pressure data is a key input into assessing ecosystem condition.

  • NBA2018_Terrestrial Ecosystem Threat Status and Protection level remaining extent layer is associated with the NBA2018_Terrestrial Ecosystem Threat Status and Protection level. While the a NBA2018_Terrestrial Ecosystem Threat Status and Protection level remaining extent provides the data for Protection level and threat status for the historical (pre 1750AD) extent of the terrestrial ecosystems, this layer shows the protection level and threat status of the current remaining extent of terrestrial ecosystems. More detail can be found in NBA 2018 Technical Report Volume 1: Terrestrial Realm,