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  • The National Wetlands Map III (NWM3) is a combination of NWM2 extracted from the National Land Cover 2000 dataset and the Waterbodies of the 1:50 000 of topomaps from Chief Directorate Surveys and Mapping (CDSM). These two datasets were further categorized into natural waterbodies, artificial waterbodies and unclassified waterbodies.

  • The National Wetlands Map III (NWM3) is a combination of NWM2 extracted from the National Land Cover 2000 dataset and the Waterbodies of the 1:50 000 of topomaps from Chief Directorate Surveys and Mapping (CDSM). These two datasets were further categorized into natural waterbodies, artificial waterbodies and unclassified waterbodies. Although every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the data, SANBI do not take responsibility for errors or problems that arise for using this dataset.

  • The National Wetlands Map III (NWM3) is a combination of NWM2 extracted from the National Land Cover 2000 dataset and the Waterbodies of the 1:50 000 of topomaps from the Chief Directorate Surveys and Mapping (CDSM). These two datasets were further categorized into natural waterbodies, artificial waterbodies, and unclassified waterbodies.

  • Latest update of the Marine Ecosystem Map

  • Latest update of the Sub-Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Map

  • This layer includes the threat status, protection level and condition of the Sub-Antarctic Marine Threat Status and Protection level assessed for the National Biodiversity Assessment 2018

  • NBA2018_Terrestrial Ecosystem Threat Status and Protection level remaining extent layer is associated with the NBA2018_Terrestrial Ecosystem Threat Status and Protection level. While the a NBA2018_Terrestrial Ecosystem Threat Status and Protection level remaining extent provides the data for Protection level and threat status for the historical (pre 1750AD) extent of the terrestrial ecosystems, this layer shows the protection level and threat status of the current remaining extent of terrestrial ecosystems. More detail can be found in NBA 2018 Technical Report Volume 1: Terrestrial Realm,

  • This layer includes the threat status and protection level of the Marine Ecosystems 2018 assessed for the National Biodiversity Assessment 2018

  • Latest update of the Sub-Antarctic Terrestrial Threat Assessment and Protection level.

  • Vegetation map for the SKEP planning domain. Data origin: South African vegetation map received from NBI; Namibian vegetation map obtained from satellite interpretation