Botanical Society of South Africa
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Ecosystem status for Swellendam
Layer designating renosterveld conservation priority clusters and the area surrounding the natural vegetation up to 500m (a 500m buffer). The patches of remaining lowland habitat within priority clusters were identified by the Cape Lowlands Renosterveld Project as critical for conserving biodiversity pattern and ecological processes of lowland renosterveld.
Ecosysystem status layer
Namakwa District critical biodiversity assessment aquatic polygons
Namakwa District critical biodiversity assessment terrstrial polygons
Ecosystem status in Theewaterskloof
Ecosystem status indicates whether a particular vegetation type is ‘critically endangered’, ‘endangered’, ‘vulnerable’ or ‘least threatened’. These categories are based on conservation targets (calculated for the National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment, SANBI 2004) and on the extent of natural vegetation remaining (% of original area) for that particular vegetation type. This data layer shows ecosystem status for the remaining natural habitat in the Cape Agulhas Municipality (and 2km beyond its boundary).
TODO: Required, please replace this with an overview of the dataset
Namakwa District critical biodiversity assessment terrestrial
Vegetation type map indicating the extent of original (pre-transformation) vegetation types in the Agulhas municipality & 2km beyond – based on SANBI’s SA vegmap – beta04 version.