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  • A GIS layer of wetland vegetation groups was used to classify wetlands according to Level 2 of the national wetland classification system (SANBI 2010), which characterises the regional context within which wetlands occur.

  • Western Cape Wetlands Directory.

  • This layer maps the distribution of wetlands and their types

  • This layer maps the location of wetlands rehabilitated within the working for wetlands programme. THE WORKING for WETLANDS PROGRAMME is a partnership approach to the rehabilitation, protection and sustainable use of wetlands. The delineations were based largely on desktop delineations prepared by the planning teams for rehab. Some of the wetlands were mapped on Google Earth and other field delineated by EAP`s and provincial coordinators. The data is captured in vector format. Wetland boundaries collated from desktop mapping done by wetland specialists using aerial imagery of various resolutions, 10m interval contour data and background knowledge from their site visits for the purpose of wetland assessments over the 4 years of planning. The attribute data was collected from rehabilitation plans document and checked and confirmed by the provincial coordinators. Note: This GIS layer codes: • Working for Wetlands rehabilitated wetlands projects • The different interventions types are recorded on a separate shapefile

  • This GIS layer codes for Wetland cluster Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (FEPAs). Wetland clusters are groups of wetlands within 1 km of each other and embedded in a relatively natural landscape. Note: This GIS layer codes: • Wetland cluster Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (FEPAs) • FEPAs for rivers and wetlands are provided in separate GIS layers (River_FEPAs_30Jul11.shp and NFEPA_Wetlands_30Jul11.shp).

  • Distribution of wetlands (subset to municipality for Municipal Biodiversity Summary Project)

  • This layer codes Wetland Freshwater Priority Areas (FEPAs), wetland ecosystem types and wetland condition on a national scale. The delineations were based largely on remotely-sensed imagery and therefore did not include historic wetlands lost through drainage, ploughing and concreting. Irreversible loss of wetlands is expected to be high in some areas, such as urban centres. In addition, there are many gaps in wetlands as remote sensing does not detect all wetlands. Note: This GIS layer codes: • Wetland Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (FEPAs) • FEPAs for rivers and wetland clusters are provided in separate GIS layers (River_FEPAs_30Jul11.shp and Wetcluster_30Jul11.shp).

  • The Wetlands of the City of Cape Town

  • Wetlands, functional wetland types, wetland groupings and corresponding SA veg types for the priority and non-priority area of the Matzikama Local Municipality.

  • Cape Nature sensitive wetlands layer (Shaw2007) clipped to PD, buffered by 200m