
South Africa

537 record(s)
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  • 299 estuarine systems along the South African coastline were mapped. For each the floodplain (estuarine functional zone) areas were digitized using Spot 5 imagery (2008) and Google Earth. It also shows the areas of the floodplains in hectares and meters as well as the estuary names and ID’s as they occur along the coastline.

  • Identified Critical Biodiversity Areas and Ecological Support Areas in the Municipalities adjacent to the Addo Elephant National Park (namely Blue Crane Route, Ndlambe, Ikwezi and Sundays River); basis of categorization is included in this layer to help inform decision makers

  • River Corridors layer for the Cape Agulhas, De Hoop Management Area, Overstrand, Drakenstein Municipality, Swartland, Swellendam and Theewaterskloof Municipalities.

  • PRELIMINARY layer of South African geomorphic provinces. Expected to change before publishing in 2005.

  • Vegetation types for South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland (subset per municipality in South Africa for the Municipal Biodiversity Summary Project).

  • Landscapes of high topographic variability important for climate change adaptation.

  • Historical distribution of the vegetation types in KZN. Updates of this dataset completed in 2011.

  • Please contact the Data Partner for more information

  • Shapefiles supplied follow the naming format Name_Date_projection: the name refers to the feature, the date is in the format yymm (and refers to the date when any record/attribute contained in the shapefile was last updated), and the projection ge refers to Geographic, WGS84.

  • Projected change in wheat(wh) productivity using the mechanistic crop growth model, DSSAT(ds) Band 1 - 11th percentile projected percent change in yield for enhanced CO2 response simulations. Band 2 - 50th percentile projected percent change in yield for enhanced CO2 response simulations. Band 3 - 88th percentile projected percent change in yield for enhanced CO2 response simulations. Band 4 - 11th percentile projected percent change in yield for unenhanced CO2 response simulations. Band 5 - 50th percentile projected percent change in yield for unenhanced CO2 response simulations.