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This GIS layer summarizes the river condition, river ecosystem types and freeflowing river information that were used in deriving Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (FEPAs) for river ecosystems. It used the 1:500,000 river GIS layer available from Mike Silberbauer at DWA (SilberbauerM@dwa.gov.za). FEPA status applies to the maintem river reach of each sub-quaternary catchment and FEPA status for each river reach is also provided in this GIS layer. •For a detailed description of the FEPA map categories and their management implications (the last two attributes on this shapefile) please refer to the NFEPA Atlas, Implementation Manual or metadata for the River FEPAs shapefile (River_FEPAs_30Jul11.docx – under the metadata folder).
Rivers in Mpumalanga
River conservation status from NSBA with additional fresh water focal areas - river lengths from Mao Amis CFR River Conservation Plan added
River Corridors layer for the Cape Agulhas, De Hoop Management Area, Overstrand, Drakenstein Municipality, Swartland, Swellendam and Theewaterskloof Municipalities.
River Corridors layer for the Cape Agulhas, De Hoop Management Area, Overstrand, Drakenstein Municipality, Swartland, Swellendam and Theewaterskloof Municipalities
PRELIMINARY layer of South African river signatures and their conservation status.
GCBC River Corridors
Priority areas for freshwater biodiversity in Mpumalanga. This spatial product is called the MBSP Freshwater Assessment. The resulting features are predominantly derived from the National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (FEPA) products, with some alterations and data cleaning. Layers include CBA Rivers (based on FEPA and free-flowing rivers), CBA Wetlands (based on FEPA wetlands), CBA Aquatic species (odonata & crab taxa of conservation concern only), ESA Wetland Clusters (FEPA wetland clusters), and ESA Wetlands (all other non-FEPA wetlands). The MTPA created an updated land-cover using SPOT 2010 imagery. This data, together with high-resolution aerial imagery, was used to update and clean some of the features.