National Wetland Map
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Created from the NLC2000 dataset and the national Wetland Probability Map to create the first National Wetland Map (NWM1) Beta version
The most recent dams register of DWS, dated to 2016
Peatlands mapped as having turned desiccated or have burnt
Artificial wetlands of the South African Inventory of Inland Aquatic Ecosystems (SAIIAE). This data set is part of the Inventory released with the launch of the NBA 2018. National Wetland Map 5 includes inland wetlands and estuaries, but are associated with river line data and many other data sets within the South African Inventory of Inland Aquatic Ecosystems (SAIIAE). Please ensure you obtain the full geodatabase and relevant reports to understand the appropriate use of the data. Appropriate use and a disclaimer is provided under the relevant reports below.
Oxbow lakes from the DRDLR:NGI data issued in May 2016 for the purpose of indicating floodplain wetlands. These oxbow lakes are in some instances indicative of the floodplain depressions, however some artificial systems were also mapped as Lakes by DRDLR:NGI. The polygon features called 'Lakes' were extracted and converted to points. The data was used by data capturers to guide them in the typing of hydrogeomorphic units, and can also be used when modelling HGM units. Please see Van Deventer et al. (2018) for more information.
The spatial representation of the regional setting at Level 2 of the Classification System for Wetlands and other Aquatic Ecosystems in South Africa.
Artificial wetlands of the South African Inventory of Inland Aquatic Ecosystems (SAIIAE). This data set is part of the Inventory released with the launch of the NBA 2018. National Wetland Map 5 includes inland wetlands and estuaries, but are associated with river line data and many other data sets within the South African Inventory of Inland Aquatic Ecosystems (SAIIAE). Please ensure you obtain the full geodatabase and relevant reports to understand the appropriate use of the data. Appropriate use and a disclaimer is provided under the relevant reports below.
This data set is part of the National Wetland Map 2 (NWM2). Data from the National Wetlands Map 1 was combined with the 1:50 000 Farm dams features (DWAF 2004) to produce NWM2. National Wetland Map 2 that was divided into three GIS layers: wetland, natural waterbody and artificial waterbody.
The 2018 South African Inventory of Inland Aquatic Ecosystems (SAIIAE) geodatabase is a collection of data layers pertaining to ecosystem types and pressures for both rivers and inland wetlands. These data layers were developed and used for the 2018 National Biodiversity Assessment (NBA 2018).
The National Wetland Map version 5 (NWM5) shows the distribution of inland wetland ecosystem types across South Africa and includes estuaries and the extent of some rivers. A confidence map was compiled to identify areas where wetland extent and hydrogeomorphic (HGM) units (which contributed to defining the inland wetland ecosystem types together with the regional setting) attained at a higher level of certainty compared to other areas. Higher levels of certainty are associated [code 5 in field Confidence_nr] with areas that have been visited in-field by a wetland specialist(s) over multiple seasons and cycles of the wetland hydroperiod, and are therefore more accurately represented in the dataset. Codes 4 to 1 indicate lower levels of confidence that the extent and HGM unit are represented well. If the Estuaries are used, please cite Van Niekerk et al., 2019. Technical Report of the Estuarine Ecosystems for the NBA 2018. For queries on the National Wetland Map 5 and associated Confidence Map datasets please contact the Principal Investigator [] and cc the For contributions and queries regarding future revisions of the National Wetland Map please contact Updates will be incorporated into the National Wetland Map 6 which is under way.