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Benthic and Coastal Ecosystem Protection Levels. As per National Biodiversity Assessment Benthic and coastal Habitats with an extra field "PALevel" and refer to tech doc for derivation.
This GIS layer represents the polygon layer for focus areas for offshore protection. The focus areas for offshore protection are geographic areas with high biodiversity priorities and are identified through systematic planning. They were developed to address the inshore bias in South Africa’s protected area system, support ecosystem based management and spatial planning the offshore environment as well as to identify potential network of offshore MPAs. Ten focus areas for offshore protection were identified.
Please contact the Data Partner for more information
Please contact the Data partner for more information.
National Biodiversity Assessment (NBA) Marine Protected Areas
Benthic and Coastal Ecosystem Status. As per NBA Benthic and coastal Habitats with an extra field "Status" and refer to tech doc for derivation.
Please contact the Data Partner for more information
South African Marine Biozones