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  • The 2013-14 South African National Land-cover dataset produced by GEOTERRAIMAGE as a commercial data product has been generated from digital, multi-seasonal Landsat 8 multispectral imagery, acquired between April 2013 and March 2014. In excess of 600 Landsat images were used to generate the land-cover information, based on an average of 8 different seasonal image acquisition dates, within each of the 76 x image frames required to cover South Africa. The land-cover dataset, which covers the whole of South Africa, is presented in a map-corrected, raster format, based on 30x30m cells equivalent to the image resolution of the source Landsat 8 multi-spectral imagery. The dataset contains 72 x land-cover / use information classes, covering a wide range of natural and man-made landscape characteristics. The original land-cover dataset was processed in UTM (north) / WGS84 map projection format based on the Landsat 8 standard map projection format as provided by the USGS. The data remains the property of GEOTERRAIMAGE, and is protected by copyright laws. All Intellectual Property rights pertaining to the data remain with GEOTERRAIMAGE at all times.

  • This dataset represents the 2014 land cover for the Western Cape Province. It is a combination of the “wcape_lcov_2013-14_gti_utm35n_vs23f” land-cover product delivered by GeoTerraImage (30m resolution) and additional features identified to increase the detail in the final product; especially its representation of the built environment. The original product was derived from multi-seasonal Landsat 8. The model derived landcover data is representative of the basic landscape characteristics, namely tree and bush cover, grassland (or low non-woody vegetation), barren areas (i.e. natural and man-made non-vegetated surfaces) and water. These spectrally-dependent classes were augmented by various geographic masks to derive a final thematic set of classes. The additional spatial data added to the GTI land-cover product were as follows: - Roads - Railways - Electrified Structures - Dams - Agricultural Fields The final revised land-cover product consists of 122 different classes.

  • Land cover data compiled from various sources

  • Landcover types for Nelson Bay Municipality

  • The transformation or landcover map prepared for the conservation planning in the Overberg District.

  • Represents land cover for the Matzikama Local Municipality. Landcover is categorized into 6 land cover types: Natural, Near Natural, Degraded, Cultivated and Transformed

  • Represents land cover for the Bergrivier Local Municipality. Land cover is categorized into 6 land cover types: Natural, Near Natural, Degraded, Cultivated and Transformed

  • Represents land cover for the Saldanha Bay Local Municipality and adjacent district municipality. Landcover is categorized into 6 land cover types: Natural, Near Natural, Degraded, Cultivated and Transformed.

  • Land cover data compiled from various sources; Clipped to West Coast District Management Area Plus northern part of Matzikama Local Municipality

  • Landcover map for the Municipalities adjacent to the Addo Elephant National Park (namely Blue Crane Route, Ndlambe, Ikwezi and Sundays River)