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  • Gouritz Initiative - Processes – Coastal Corridor. Sensitive coastal corridor in the Gouritz Initiative, in which there is a high threat of development in highly threatened vegetation types.

  • Conservation Status of each vegetation type for the Gouritz Inititive area. The conservation status of each of the vegetation types within the GI Domain was calculated using the vegetation targets set within C.A.P.E. and SKEP. The method for calculating Conservtion targets developed in STEP was used. Conservation status is the classification of vegetation types into four groups, depending on how much land within the type is still untransformed, and how much of the original extent is required to meet targets. It has nothing to do with the percentage of the vegetation type that is currently protected.

  • The Broad Management Units have been defined by the intersection of all the broad-scale processes. Because many of the processes overlap, all the different combinations of overlap are shown. The GIS layer that was prepared for this report will allow the user to query the exact extent of each process.

  • Gouritz Initiative Ecological Processes – Nectarivore Corridors. Corridors used by Nectarivorous bird species during seasonal tracking of resources.

  • Gouritz Initiative - Processes – East/West Mountain Corridor. Two large west-east corridors that stretch across the planning domain, linking the Swartberg and associated mountain chains in the North. The maintenance of continuous corridors along these mountain chains provides an east-west climatic gradient, ranging from winter rainfall in the west to summer rainfall in the east.

  • Gouritz Initiative - Processes – Koppies. Sensitive koppies in the Gouritz Initiative, which support highly localized geophytes and small succulent plants, which are often threatened.

  • Vegetation types for the Gouritz Initiative area. The vegetation types have been graded as well according to percentage protected, percentage remaining and whether it is endemic: - Indication of whether the vegetation type is endemic to the Gouritz Initiative area (see Appendices 1 and 2 in Lombard et al., 2004) - Percentage of the original extent of the vegetation type remaining as of 1998 (see Appendices 1 and 2 in Lombard et al., 2004) - Percentage of the original extent of the vegetation type in ‘Type 1’ Conservation areas, i.e. those state owned protected areas run by SANP, MCM, DWAF, WCNCB, DEAT, Local Authorities (see Appendices 3 and 4 and p15 in Lombard et al., 2004)

  • Gouritz Initiative - Processes – Coastal Corridor. Sensitive coastal corridor in the Gouritz Initiative, in which there is a high threat of development in highly threatened vegetation types.

  • Areas invaded by alien plants in Gouritz. Area described by J Vlok and digitised by T Wolf. The broad distribution of invasive alien plants was mapped using a Landsat image in the background.