Critical Biodiversity Areas
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Remaining Natural and degraded areas of the Overberg Planning Domain not classified as PAS, CBAs or ESAs. A detailed description is available in the document: Overberg_Critical_Biodiversity_Areas_and_Ecological_Support_Areas_Metadata.doc.
Identified Critical Biodiversity Areas and Ecological Support Areas
Critical Biodiversity Areas are the portfolio of sites that are required to meet the region's biodiversity targets and need to be maintained in the appropriate condition for their category. A map of CBAs for Limpopo was produced as part of this plan and sites were assigned to CBA categories based on their biodiversity characteristics, spatial configuration and requirement for meeting targets for both biodiversity pattern and ecological processes.
Critical Biodiversity Areas in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
CBA lookup table
CBA areas considered critical for meeting biodiversity targets and thresholds, and which are required to ensure the persistence of viable populations of species and the functionality of ecosystems.
Identified Critical Biodiversity Areas and Ecological Support Areas
Identified Critical Biodiversity Areas and Ecological Support Areas
Shapefiles supplied follow the naming format Name_Date_projection: the name refers to the feature, the date is in the format yymm (and refers to the date when any record/attribute contained in the shapefile was last updated), and the projection ge refers to Geographic, WGS84.
The MBCP Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment was generated using MARXAN software in a Systematic Conservation Planning process. 340 Biodiversity features and targets were used in the analysis. The resulting ‘irreplaceability’ values and most efficient planning unit selection, were categorized into biodiversity value classes.