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  • Latest update of the map of the National Vegetation Map Project and follows version VEGMAP 2012. All polygons are single-part. This file is also made available in geodatabase, shapefile format and as a cmf.

  • The NBA2018 cumulative marine pressure dataset combines 31 marine pressure datasets (e.g. the location of 20 fishery activities, petroleum activities etc). Pressure data is a key input into assessing ecosystem condition.

  • Wetlands, functional wetland types, wetland groupings and corresponding SA veg types for the priority area of the Witzenberg Municipality.

  • The NBA2018 cumulative marine pressure dataset combines 31 marine pressure datasets (e.g. the location of 20 fishery activities, petroleum activities etc). Pressure data is a key input into assessing ecosystem condition.

  • The NBA2018 cumulative marine pressure dataset combines 31 marine pressure datasets (e.g. the location of 20 fishery activities, petroleum activities etc). Pressure data is a key input into assessing ecosystem condition.

  • The NBA2018 cumulative marine pressure dataset combines 31 marine pressure datasets (e.g. the location of 20 fishery activities, petroleum activities etc). Pressure data is a key input into assessing ecosystem condition.

  • The NBA2018 cumulative marine pressure dataset combines 31 marine pressure datasets (e.g. the location of 20 fishery activities, petroleum activities etc). Pressure data is a key input into assessing ecosystem condition.

  • Latest update of the Marine Ecosystem Map

  • This layer includes the threat status, protection level and condition of the Sub-Antarctic Marine Threat Status and Protection level assessed for the National Biodiversity Assessment 2018

  • First version of an integrated coast map including coastal ecosystem types from the terrestrial, marine, and estuarine realms