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  • The Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WCBSP) is the product of a systematic biodiversity planning assessment that delineates, on a map (via a Geographic Information System (GIS)), Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) and Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) which require safeguarding to ensure the continued existence and functioning of species and ecosystems, including the delivery of ecosystem services, across terrestrial and freshwater realms. These spatial priorities are used to inform sustainable development in the Western Cape Province. This product replaces all previous systematic biodiversity planning products and sector plans with updated layers and features.

  • The Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WCBSP) is the product of a systematic biodiversity planning assessment that delineates, on a map (via a Geographic Information System (GIS)), Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) and Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) which require safeguarding to ensure the continued existence and functioning of species and ecosystems, including the delivery of ecosystem services, across terrestrial and freshwater realms. These spatial priorities are used to inform sustainable development in the Western Cape Province. This product replaces all previous systematic biodiversity planning products and sector plans with updated layers and features.

  • Wetlands, functional wetland types, wetland groupings and corresponding SA veg types for the priority area of the Hessequa Municipality.

  • Vegetation map indicating the extent of original (pre-transformation) vegetation types in the following municipalities: Drakenstein, Cape Agulhas Swartland, De Hoop, Overstrand, Swellendam and Theewaterskloof.

  • Protected areas for the Hessequa Municipality

  • The Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WCBSP) is the product of a systematic biodiversity planning assessment that delineates, on a map (via a Geographic Information System (GIS)), Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) and Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) which require safeguarding to ensure the continued existence and functioning of species and ecosystems, including the delivery of ecosystem services, across terrestrial and freshwater realms. These spatial priorities are used to inform sustainable development in the Western Cape Province. This product replaces all previous systematic biodiversity planning products and sector plans with updated layers and features.

  • This GIS layer shows the outlines of the Strategic Water Source Areas for groundwater (SWSA-gw) that have been delineated as part of a Water Research Commission (WRC) project (K5/2431). Groundwater Strategic Water Source Areas (SWSAs) are areas which combine areas with high groundwater availability as well as where this groundwater forms a nationally important resource. The sub-national Water Source Areas (WSAs) are not nationally strategic as defined in the report but were included to provide a complete coverage. Dataset citation: Le Maitre, D.C., Seyler, H., Holland, M., Smith-Adao, L.B., Nel, J.L., Maherry, A. and Witthüser. K 2018. Strategic Water Source Areas for groundwater (Vector data). One of the outputs of the Identification, Delineation and Importance of the Strategic Water Source Areas of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland for Surface Water and Groundwater, WRC Report No TT 754/1/18, Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

  • KZN proclaimed stewardship sitesof January 2016. The boundaries captured in this file represent the legal, proclaimed boundaries as per proclamation signed by MEC and areas that have signed Biodiversity Agreements.

  • Identified Critical Biodiversity Areas and Ecological Support Areas in the CORE Planning Domain of WCDMA and northern Matzikama LM

  • Special Habitats layer for the Cape Agulhas, De Hoop Management Area, Overstrand, Drakenstein Municipality, Swartland, Swellendam and Theewaterskloof Municipalities.