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  • Identified ‘Critical Biodiversity Areas’(CBAs) and ‘Ecological Support Areas’ (ESAs) from the Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (Kirkwood et al., 2010), updated in 2014 (Pence) to more accurately reflect conditions relevant to land-use decision making. The Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (WCBF) provides an edge-matched, wall-to-wall coverage of all standard CBA categories to inform land-use decision making. Areas have either been formally assessed as part of a recognised Systematic Biodiversity Plan or only have ‘known’ CBA and ESA features indicated. George_1_Knysna_Bitou forms part of these three Municipalities. George has been divided into two on the basis of where fine scale planning was and was not done. Please see CBA_and_ESA_George_2.shp for the remainder of George CBAs

  • The Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WCBSP) is the product of a systematic biodiversity planning assessment that delineates, on a map (via a Geographic Information System (GIS)), Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) and Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) which require safeguarding to ensure the continued existence and functioning of species and ecosystems, including the delivery of ecosystem services, across terrestrial and freshwater realms. These spatial priorities are used to inform sustainable development in the Western Cape Province. This product replaces all previous systematic biodiversity planning products and sector plans with updated layers and features.

  • SKEP Expert Maps (Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insect, Invertebrates, Mammals, Plants, Reptiles). The SKEP expert maps (Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insect, Invertebrates, Mammals, Plants, Reptiles) were mapped by experts on 1:250 000 topocadastral maps and digitized by Benis Egoh (IPC).

  • Protected areas divided according to legislation and management objectives. The STEP protected area layer aimed to map all publicly-owned land in the planning domain, as well as all privately-owned land that has conservation as one of its land uses. Not all of these areas can be referred to as protected areas, because some of them do not have conservation as the primary land use. They were, however, incorporated into the layer because they provide opportunities for conservation in the future, owing to fact that they are either state-owned, or they support a framework (e.g. a conservancy agreement among land owners) that offers the potential to negotiate more biodiversity-friendly land use in the future. The layer is thus strictly a conservation potential layer, but the report refers to it as a protected area layer.

  • The Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WCBSP) is the product of a systematic biodiversity planning assessment that delineates, on a map (via a Geographic Information System (GIS)), Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) and Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) which require safeguarding to ensure the continued existence and functioning of species and ecosystems, including the delivery of ecosystem services, across terrestrial and freshwater realms. These spatial priorities are used to inform sustainable development in the Western Cape Province. This product replaces all previous systematic biodiversity planning products and sector plans with updated layers and features.

  • The Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WCBSP) is the product of a systematic biodiversity planning assessment that delineates, on a map (via a Geographic Information System (GIS)), Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) and Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) which require safeguarding to ensure the continued existence and functioning of species and ecosystems, including the delivery of ecosystem services, across terrestrial and freshwater realms. These spatial priorities are used to inform sustainable development in the Western Cape Province. This product replaces all previous systematic biodiversity planning products and sector plans with updated layers and features.

  • The Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WCBSP) is the product of a systematic biodiversity planning assessment that delineates, on a map (via a Geographic Information System (GIS)), Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) and Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) which require safeguarding to ensure the continued existence and functioning of species and ecosystems, including the delivery of ecosystem services, across terrestrial and freshwater realms. These spatial priorities are used to inform sustainable development in the Western Cape Province. This product replaces all previous systematic biodiversity planning products and sector plans with updated layers and features.

  • Wetlands, functional wetland types, wetland groupings and corresponding SA veg types for the priority area of the Hessequa Municipality.