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Identified ‘Critical Biodiversity Areas’(CBAs) and ‘Ecological Support Areas’ (ESAs) from the Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (Kirkwood et al., 2010), updated in 2014 (Pence) to more accurately reflect conditions relevant to land-use decision making. The Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (WCBF) provides an edge-matched, wall-to-wall coverage of all standard CBA categories to inform land-use decision making. Areas have either been formally assessed as part of a recognised Systematic Biodiversity Plan or only have ‘known’ CBA and ESA features indicated.
Identified ‘Critical Biodiversity Areas’(CBAs) and ‘Ecological Support Areas’ (ESAs) from the Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (Kirkwood et al., 2010), updated in 2014 (Pence) to more accurately reflect conditions relevant to land-use decision making. The Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (WCBF) provides an edge-matched, wall-to-wall coverage of all standard CBA categories to inform land-use decision making. Areas have either been formally assessed as part of a recognised Systematic Biodiversity Plan or only have ‘known’ CBA and ESA features indicated
Gouritz Initiative Ecological Processes – Nectarivore Corridors. Corridors used by Nectarivorous bird species during seasonal tracking of resources.
Wetlands, functional wetland types, wetland groupings and corresponding SA veg types for the priority and non-priority area of the Saldanha Bay Local Municipality.
Identified ‘Critical Biodiversity Areas’(CBAs) and ‘Ecological Support Areas’ (ESAs) from the Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (Kirkwood et al., 2010), updated in 2014 (Pence) to more accurately reflect conditions relevant to land-use decision making. The Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (WCBF) provides an edge-matched, wall-to-wall coverage of all standard CBA categories to inform land-use decision making. Areas have either been formally assessed as part of a recognised Systematic Biodiversity Plan or only have ‘known’ CBA and ESA features indicated.
River Corridors layer for the Cape Agulhas, De Hoop Management Area, Overstrand, Drakenstein Municipality, Swartland, Swellendam and Theewaterskloof Municipalities.
Long term marine monitoring initiatives in existence or planned for in the near future within South Africa’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
Sub-quaternary catchments for the Matzikama Municipality
PRELIMINARY layer of South African geomorphic provinces. Expected to change before publishing in 2005.
Mountain Catchment Areas for the George, Knysna & Bitou Municipalities