Archived FSP: Aquatic critical biodiversity areas (Matzikama Municipality) (cba_aquatic_mz.shp)
These data represent aquatic sites identified as Critical Biodiversity Areas through the systematic assessment conducted by the C.A.P.E. Fine-Scale Biodiversity Planning (FSP) project. They include both the aquatic feature itself as well as the required buffer area surrounding the aquatic feature. Taken as a whole (aquatic plus terrestrial CBAs), these represent the sites required to meet biodiversity pattern targets and ecological process objectives. The loss of a single site would therefore compromise the meeting of targets and objectives. Thus it is recommended that the sites be managed in a manner compatible with biodiversity conservation, and ultimately remain in, or be restored to, a natural state. Ecological composition, structure, and function must be preserved.
For more information about how CBAs (Critical Biodiversity Areas), CESAs (Critical Ecological Support Areas), and OESAs (Other Ecological Support Areas) were selected see:
Pence, Genevieve Q.K. 2008 (in prep). C.A.P.E. Fine-Scale Systematic Conservation Planning Assessment: Technical Report. Produced for CapeNature. Cape Town, South Africa.
For more information about the freshwater component of FSP see:
Job, N., Snaddon, K., Day, L., Nel, J. and Smith-Adoa, L. 2008 (in prep). C.A.P.E. Fine-scale Biodiversity Planning Project: Freshwater Ecosystems of the North-west Sandveld and Saldanha Peninsula planning domain. Produced for CapeNature. Cape Town, South Africa.
- Date (Publication)
- 2012
- Edition
- Purpose
Biodiversity feature information for use in the C.A.P.E. Fine-Scale Biodiversity Plans. These plans are to serve as the primary spatial biodiversity informant guiding proactive conservation action and directing land-use planning and reactive decision-making in local, provincial and national spheres of government.
This is one of a core set of FSP biodiversity informants (GIS files) for this municipality:
• CBA_Aquatic_Matzikama
• CBA_Terrestrial_Matzikama
The CBA_Aquatic_Matzikama shapefile contain the following categories:
• Critical biodiversity Areas( &Buffers)
• Critical Ecological Support Areas (&Buffers)
• Other Ecological Support Areas (&Buffers)
The CBA aquatic shapefile should be used in conjunction CBA terrestrial shapefile for CBA coverage of the entire municipality. Note that CBAs fall exclusively outside of protected areas and FSP landcover information such that “Other Natural Areas” and “No Natural Remaining” can be discerned; recommend FSP 10m summarized landcover product.
- Status
- On going
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Theme
Critical Biodiversity Areas
- Place
South Africa
- Access constraints
- Copyright
- Use constraints
- otherRestictions
- Other constraints
Capture Source: Attribute data: FSP, Genevieve Pence; Freshwater Consulting Group & CSIR Spatial data: Freshwater Consulting Group (wetlands), DWAF & Chief Directorate Surveys and Mapping (rivers)
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 50000
- Language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Environment
- Begin date
- 2016-01-01
- Reference system identifier
- WGS 1984
- OnLine resource
A list of spatial data-sets are available at this URL.
BGIS Spatial Datasets
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Statement
This layer is a combination of the following GIS datasets (from which Critical Biodiversity Areas, Critical Ecological Support Areas, and Other Ecological Support Areas were extracted and merged into separate layers):
1. all_wetlands_final.shp (C.A.P.E. FSP* manually digitised off imagery and partially ground-truthed),
2. estuaries.shp (C.A.P.E. FSP* manually digitised off imagery and partially ground-truthed), and
3. rivsq4_ss_final.shp (C.A.P.E. FSP* attributed selection from 1:500K river line data).
*FSP contracted the Freshwater Consulting Group and CSIR to deliver these input products. Further documentation for the original datasets is available.
The following sets of Chief Directorate Surveys and Mapping (CDSM) 2006 1:50,000 topographic vector data were used to refine the scale of the attributed river network from 1:500,000 to 1:50,000 and to define the extent of open water within wetland and estuarine areas.
1. inland_water.shp (excluding man-made features),
2. river_area.shp (to define river bed, not banks), and
3. river_line.shp (buffered to define river bed).
The CATEGORY distinction was made in the rivsq4_ss_final.shp dataset between CBAs/CESAs/OESAs (Critical Biodiversity Areas / Critical Ecological Support Areas / Other Ecological Support Areas) and transferred/attributed to the appropriate segment in the inland_water.shp, river_area.shp, and river_line.shp.
The relevant buffer distance used to create polygons from polygons and polylines (GEOCLASS column) was also established in rivsq4_ss.shp layer. Buffer layers (separate) do not overlap their parent polygons/polylines.
The method for selecting Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs), Critical Ecological Support Areas (CESAs), and Other Ecological Support Areas (OESAs) from the full set of wetland, river, and estuarine features was based on a systematic conservation planning approach whereby targets (quantitative objectives) were established for a representative suite of biodiversity features, and the decision-support software Marxan was used (via CLUZ interface software) to generate the best spatial solutions (i.e., most efficient selection of planning units required) for meeting conservation targets. For further detailed information about the methodology see the FSP Technical Reports.
Available documentation:
Pence, Genevieve Q.K. 2008 (in prep). C.A.P.E. Fine-Scale Systematic Conservation Planning Assessment: Technical Report. Produced for CapeNature. Cape Town, South Africa.
Job, N., Snaddon, K., Day, L., Nel, J. and Smith-Adoa, L. 2008 (in prep). C.A.P.E. Fine-scale Biodiversity Planning Project: Freshwater Ecosystems of the North-west Sandveld and Saldanha Peninsula planning domain. Produced for CapeNature. Cape Town, South Africa.
Project Name:
Fine-Scale Biodiversity Planning project, as part of Component 5.1 of Cape Action Plan for People and the Environment (C.A.P.E.)
Creator Organisation:
Genevieve Q.K. Pence, Conservation Planner
- File identifier
- e1c6a2ca-e2f5-4064-9651-6f0dbb97d749 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Date stamp
- 2018-04-24T14:04:23
- Metadata standard name
SANS 1878
- Metadata standard version