WCBF Cederberg aquatic CBAs 2014
Identified ‘Critical Biodiversity Areas’(CBAs) and ‘Ecological Support Areas’ (ESAs) from the Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (Kirkwood et al., 2010), updated in 2014 (Pence) to more accurately reflect conditions relevant to land-use decision making.
The Western Cape Biodiversity Framework (WCBF) provides an edgematched, wall-to-wall coverage of all standard CBA categories to inform land-use decision making. Areas have either been formally assessed as part of a recognised Systematic Biodiversity Plan or only have ‘known’ CBA and ESA features indicated.
- Date (Publication)
- 2014
- Edition
- Purpose
All Critical Biodiversity Area (CBA) data for the Western Cape were updated to more accurately reflect: where CBAs were intentionally identified within agricultural fields, where CBAs have been lost to agricultural expansion (between 2007 and 2011), where CBAs are potentially rehabilitating from agricultural land-use, and where CBAs have now been secured into the Protected Area Network
- Status
- On going
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Theme
Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs)
Ecological Support Areas (ESAs)
- Place
South Africa
Western Cape
- Access constraints
- Copyright
- Use constraints
- otherRestictions
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 50000
- Language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Environment
- Begin date
- 2016-01-01
- Reference system identifier
- WGS 1984
- OnLine resource
A list of services published are available at this URL.
BGIS Map Services
- OnLine resource
A list of spatial data-sets are available at this URL.
BGIS Spatial Datasets
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Statement
Step 1: CBA data updated with DAFF field data
-Best available CBA layers were sourced from either the Western Cape Biodiversity Framework 2010 municipal datasets or the Updated Fine-Scale Biodiversity Planning project municipal datasets held by CapeNature.
-CBA records were isolated from the broader set of CBAs plus ESAs, ONAs, No Natural
Areas and PAs (from the “Category” field in the original attribute tables).
-A “New_CAT” (New Category) field was added (type = text or string).
-The new CBA-only data layers were unioned (ArcMap 10.2.1) first with the 2007 DAFF field dataset and then the 2013 DAFF field dataset1 (wc_fields_20070621_I_utm34wgs.shp and WcFb_2011Spot5_2013_UTM34S.shp,
-Following the unions, all non-CBA records where first deleted and then a series of queries were used to identify places (i.e., records) where: (1) CBAs do not overlap with agricultural fields, (2) CBAs overlap with fields in 2007 only, (3) CBAs overlap with fields
in 2011 only, and (4) CBAs overlap with fields in both 2007 and 2011.
-The “New_CAT” field was populated to reflect these combinations of attributes:
CBA only
CBA and field in 2007
CBA and field in 2011
CBA and field in both 2007 and 2011
-Later these categories became:
CBA (potentially rehabilitating agric land)
CBA lost to agric landuse
CBA (known agric landuse)
-Renamed “HabCon” field “HabCon_org”
-recalculated area
Step 2: ESAs then merged with CBAs - (Kirkwood et al., 2010), updated in 2014 (Pence) to more accurately reflect conditions relevant to land-use decision making.
Available documentation:
•Kirkwood, D., Pence, G.Q.K. & von Hase, A. 2010 Western Cape Biodiversity Framework: Critical Biodiversity Areas and Ecological Support Areas of the Western Cape. A C.A.P.E. Landuse planning project. Unpublished Project Report.
•Pence, G Q.K. 2014. Western Cape Biodiversity Framework 2014 Status Update: Critical Biodiversity Areas of the Western Cape. Unpublished CapeNature project report. Cape Town,
- File identifier
- 0d9a280d-dfc9-4282-a324-d83546cf8a71 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Date stamp
- 2017-09-12T09:58:43
- Metadata standard name
SANS 1878
- Metadata standard version
Spatial extent
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